I’ve Got 99 Problems . . . But the IRS Isn’t One

Small businesses face many challenges. In fact, you might say they have, just like Jay-Z sang, “99 problems.” But, luckily, dealing with the IRS and paying taxes doesn’t have to be one of them. If you’re worried about paying for taxes, prospect fees, marketing expenses, or other general business costs, the solution is simple. Build the funds you need into your pricing model. That way, when the time comes, you won’t pay your taxes or any other fees. Your customers, via the money they’ve spent on your products or services, will. If you’re still confused, don’t worry. At C0MPLÉX1, we can show you how to plan and structure your pricing in the most beneficial way possible.

You’re in Control of Your Prices

It’s important to remember that you’re in control of your prices. You decide how much each product or service costs, and it’s up to you to make sure you’re earning enough to propel your business toward success. We can help you prepare for necessary expenses and then build the costs into your pricing plan. That way, you’ll never have to worry about affording the necessities or limiting your business’ potential. 

Plan Your Pricing Wisely

When you set prices, it’s vital that you keep your expenses in mind. For example, we recently worked with a customer who was concerned about paying for their new website. We showed this customer how to carefully factor the expense into their customer invoices. By making a slight adjustment to their pricing model, they were able to afford their new site, as well as other business essentials. 

Of course, none of this is to say that you have to increase your prices by huge amounts, nor should you. Instead, carefully planning for upcoming costs and spreading the total across your tickets/invoices can make a huge difference. Those extra funds can add up and make a major, positive difference.

Contact Us Today

Want to learn more about how to offset your expenses through smart pricing? Or, maybe you have other questions. No matter what, we’re here for you. To learn more or get started, contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you.

The Power of a Growth Mindset

Photo Credit: NASA

The United States of America has always been a land of progress and innovation. We live in a country that believes in finding solutions, moving forward, and never staying stagnant. Here at C0MPLÉX1, we believe in these same guiding principles. That’s why we’re often surprised when our customers tell us that they’ve encountered other internet marketing companies that are stuck in the past. 

For example, many years ago, one of our customers found himself frustrated over a complex Excel document he was using to run the business. He couldn’t mine out the data contained in it and hit a dead end before he asked for help. He jokingly said to us, “You’re telling me we put a man on the moon in 1969, but we can’t figure out this Excel document?”

At the time, we laughed and then proceeded to solve his problem. Ultimately, we also did great things for his business, but we never forgot his little joke. Because, at its heart, it’s not really a joke at all. It speaks to the fact that, when we encounter problems, we don’t just throw our hands up in the air and give up. We have to remember who we are, what we’re capable of, and then uncover solutions that enable us to get where we’re going. These are things we believe in at C0MPLÉX1, and we incorporate those beliefs into everything we do. That same forward-thinking mindset that put a man on the moon in 1969 is the same mindset that empowers us and our customers today.

A Solution-Oriented Focus

At C0MPLÉX1, we never look at a problem and see just a problem. Instead, we see solutions and possibilities. Whether you’re dealing with a negative online image, a stitled logo, or a website that isn’t getting the high quality traffic you want, we’ve got you covered. We’ll work hard to find realistic, workable solutions that can get you where you want to be.

A Commitment to Continual Progress

As the Space Race (and its results) shows us, a growth mindset is vital to success. We’ve been serving businesses from a variety of industries since 2006, but, to this day, we still work to strengthen and improve our organization and the services it provides. 

We operate from a deep understanding of the internet and its infrastructure, major search engines, and the key foundations of marketing. We also understand that the online world is constantly changing and evolving, and we work tirelessly to stay up-to-date and ahead of the game in terms of the latest innovations, strategies, and techniques in digital marketing. 

Additionally, our talented staff of web designers and developers, graphic designers, SEO \ SEM specialists, content writers, and marketing experts brings more than 8 decades of combined internet marketing experience to the table, and we are committed to using our knowledge to better serve you.

A Variety of Innovative Services

Our commitment to progress might not have landed us in space, but it has equipped us to serve our customers in a variety of ways. We utilize proven methods and strategies that can open up endless opportunities and help businesses reach new heights. Furthermore, each strategy is designed to strengthen and reinforce the others, as well as your business as a whole. These include:

Contact Us Today

Are you working with a vendor who can’t “put you on the moon?” Do you want to explore your business’ possibilities without imaginary limits? If so, C0MPLÉX1 is the clear choice. Contact us today and tap into your full potential.

Google: The One World Government

When most people think of Google, they think of it as a simple search engine. However, in the decades since its inception, it’s become so much more. Today, it’s no longer just a way to find the most relevant websites or content. Instead, it’s a powerful force to be reckoned with. Driving over $700 Billion of GDP in the US alone. In some ways, it’s like the “ruler” of the internet. It has the power to determine which organizations get discovered and have their voices heard . . . and which ones fall by the wayside.

Those who follow Google’s best practices and know how to leverage its power can prime their businesses for success. Those who don’t often get left behind. Fortunately, at C0MPLÉX1, we’ve been studying Google and its evolution from the start. We know this search engine inside and out and take pride in helping our clients use it successfully.

With Google, Everyone Must Fall in Line

Comparing Google to a one world government makes sense when you consider that no one can really escape its rules or its reach. Absolutely everyone has to fall in line if they want to have online success. From rich business owners managing huge corporations to fourteen year olds striving for fame on YouTube, Google’s algorithms, regulations, and strategies all play a role in their lives. Smart professionals learn to harness its capabilities and play the “Google game” to their advantage. Those who don’t risk being deplatformed or having their content blackballed by the world’s most powerful search engine. Whether you agree with this form of online government or not, the truth is that you have to make Google work for you, rather than against you if you want to realize your goals and broaden your reach.

A World of Possibility

When you choose to work with Google, rather than against it, a world of possibility opens up. From selling products and services to communicating with and educating users, you can use Google to do almost anything. After all, Google is essentially its own economic ecosystem, one that generates trillions of dollars per year in GDP and that spans almost every country. Thus, even if you find some of its rules, such as its language preferences, draconian, the financial choice is to stay within best practices. If you don’t, you can find yourself sidelined in a way that feels similar to having economic sanctions levied against you. You run the risk of having any and all work you’ve done previously, including revenue-producing work, cut off. Imagine being banned from YouTube or having your business website be virtually invisible. Google has the authority to make these things happen. So, with that in mind, don’t fight its power. Instead, learn how to leverage it for your own gain.

The Power of Expert Help

Google has successfully achieved its goal of building a powerful framework that dominates the internet and exerts great control over the visibility of content on its platform. Now, it’s your job to play within the ‘rules’ and make Google work for you! Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. C0MPLÉX1 features a skilled, highly experienced team of web designers and developers, graphic designers, content writers, marketers, SEO / SEM specialists, and other professionals who are intensely familiar with Google and how it functions. With our help, you can work toward achieving the visibility and compliance you need to come out on top.

Look to the Right is Now C0MPLÉX1

We have some big news to share! Look to the Right has undergone a name change. Our new name and trademark have been officially registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office. We are no longer Look to the Right, we are now C0MPLÉX1.

Our Commitment to You

It is now easier than ever to find and identify C0MPLÉX1 across all digital platforms. While our name has changed, our level of service has not. We are more committed than ever to ensuring that all of our clients receive the same high quality level of service and attention to detail that continues to be the hallmark of our business.

What to Expect

The company name, Look to the Right, LLC is an incorporated name and will remain the same. The Brand (formerly Look to the Right) is now C0MPLÉX1.

Currently, you can expect to receive email communications from “@looktotheright.com” as the process for transitioning to the new brand email takes some time. We will be sure to alert you once the C0MPLÉX1 email transition is complete.

In the meantime, we encourage you to bookmark our new URL: www.c0mplex1.com!

I’m interested in Trademarking for my business. Can you help?

YES. C0MPLÉX1 is happy to assist you with any intellectual property (IP) or trademarking that you may be interested in pursuing, and we provide this service at a much lower cost compared to an attorney. If you would like to find out more about trademarking your business or are interested in SEO and internet marketing services, contact us today.

Off-Page SEO Vs. On-Page SEO

In today’s world, businesses face immense competition. They have to work hard to stand out, attract the right attention, and build their brand. Fortunately, properly implemented search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can be an effective tool. However, there are several types of SEO, including both off-page SEO and on-page SEO. And, if you’re wondering about who wins the battle between off-page SEO vs. on-page SEO, there’s no simple answer. The truth is that both types of SEO work together to help you achieve your goals. That’s why, at Look to the Right, we implement both off-page and on-page SEO strategies, as well as other proven SEO techniques, to help our clients succeed.

Off-Page SEO

The difference between on-page and off-page SEO is all in the name. Off-page SEO is exactly what it sounds like. It’s SEO that takes place outside of your website. Many professionals mistakenly think that they have no control beyond their own sites, but that’s not the case. There are many strategies, such as building backlinks and carefully monitoring and managing your online reputation, that can positively impact your search engine rankings.

You can improve your rankings, reputation, and image in a multitude of ways via other websites of all types. Our team of experts are extremely experienced in finding opportunities on the web to help your company and brand gain more customers and higher rankings.

Whether you’re already using off-page SEO strategies or need to start from scratch, we’re happy to help. We assist businesses at every size and every stage with both their on-page and off-page SEO needs.

On-Page SEO

Just like off-page SEO, on-page SEO also lives up to its name. It refers to the SEO strategies that take place on your website.

Ideally, your entire website should be built with SEO in mind from the beginning. However, many times we find the ‘development company’ people have hired are not actual SEO experts.

For example, your site should be easy for search engines to crawl. It should also feature an easy-to-navigate layout, useful content, optimized images, and mobile-friendly, responsive design elements.

From there, each individual page should also be optimized. You have to carefully choose the right URLs, page titles, keywords, links, meta descriptions, and more. Because on-page SEO is so complex and time consuming, it’s best left to a team of professionals. At Look to the Right, we employ highly qualified web designers and web developers, seasoned SEO / SEM experts, graphic designers, content writers, and marketers who work together to create powerful websites that drive real, measurable results.

C0MPLEX1-Blog-Img_Off-Page SEO Vs. On-Page SEO


The Power of a Multi-Faceted Approach

As you can see, it’s not really a matter of on-page SEO vs. off-page SEO. Instead, you need the combined power of both on-page and off-page SEO to achieve maximum success. When used correctly, these two types of SEO can reinforce one another and help you see an increase in quality traffic, as well as more time spent on your pages, more leads, and more conversions. For these reasons, Look to the Right offers versatile off-page and-on page SEO solutions, such as:

Contact Us Today

If you’re ready to see what on-page and off-page SEO can do for your business, Look to the Right is here to help. We invite you to learn more about us and the results-driven SEO services we offer. To get started, contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you.

How to Add Meta Tags to Your Site

Meta tags are sections of text that cannot be seen in the content of a webpage. They provide descriptions of the content and instructions for search engines. Meta tags also make it easier for crawlers to understand the content on your page so they can recommend it when relevant searches are performed.

Meta tags can be added to your site in the backend. The easiest way is to use an SEO plugin for WordPress. We recommend using All in One SEO (AIOSEO). This tool provides you with  a snippet preview so you can see exactly what your page will look like on SERPs.

How Meta Tags Help SEO

Meta tags can help improve your SEO, but only if done properly. Using the right meta titles, descriptions, and keywords helps search engines get your content to your target audience. If your meta tags are incorrect or vague, your pages might be recommended to the wrong people or not at all. This can hurt your bounce rate, and your page rankings could start to fall.

While it can be difficult to select the right meta tags, you’re not alone. C0MPLÉX1 can help your site’s rankings improve with the proper use of meta tags as well as with other SEO techniques.

Types of Meta Tags

Meta Titles

Meta titles are one of the most important meta tags. They are the most visible text that can be seen on search engine results pages. They often provide the title of the page and the website that is providing the content.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions feature  a short summary of what users will find on the page. This can provide further information to help  users decide if the content is what they are searching for. Meta descriptions are a good place to add CTAs to improve your chances of users performing your desired action.

Meta Keywords

Meta Keywords are basically the terms you want to rank for. While Google officially no longer uses meta keywords in their ranking algorithm, they can be useful if you wish to update your content in the future and provide easy reference.

Meta Robots

Meta robots include index/noindex and follow/nofollow.  Index and noindex meta tags tell search engines to make or not to make a page visible on their SERPs. Follow and nofollow meta tags tell search engines whether or not to crawl the links on a certain page.

Contact us Today

If you need help adding meta tags to your site or just want to improve your SEO, C0MPLÉX1 is here for you. We can help you get started down the right path and fix meta tag mistakes that may have been made in the past. Contact us today if you would like to get started or just have more questions about how we can help take your business to the next level.